Friday, 20 February 2015



There is no comparing today’s modern cloth diaper to the cloth diapers that your mom and grandma used. In the last 5-10 years cloth diapers have made revolutionary changes! Today’s cute and fashionable cloth diapers are fitted, contoured, pinless, come in tons of print choices and are as easy to use as a disposables.
  1. COMFORT – Cloth diapers are soft, breathable and comfortable for your baby.
  2. SAVINGS – Cloth diapers can save you about Rs. 75,000 for a family of two children. The cost of laundering has been factored in to this estimate.
  3. EASY TO USE – Today’s cloth diapers are just as easy to use as disposables. No need for safety pins. They fasten with built-in fasteners (Velcro or snaps).
  4. EASY TO WASH & CARE FOR – Cloth diapers are so much easier to wash & care for then they used to be – no need to dunk, swirl and soak!
  5. THEY GO ON & FIT LIKE A DISPOSABLE – Today’s choices in diapers come in adjustable sizes or are sized to fit. They are fitted, contoured, pinless and simple to use. They are much CUTER than disposables!
  6. LEAK-FREE – Modern Cloth Diapers are leak-free diaper systems. They have been designed to be a truly leak-free diaper system that you can depend on!
  7. CHEMICALS – Disposable diapers contain toxic chemicals, drying agents, dyes and fragrances. The chemicals in cloth diapers have caused or been linked to many toxic responses.
  8. FASHIONABLE – Today’s diapers come in cute, fashionable designs and styles. There are so many designs and styles of diapers to choose from it makes cloth diapering a fun fashion statement.
  9. ENVIRONMENT – About 18 billion disposable diapers enter our landfills each and every year and it is estimated that it takes 500+ years for them to decompose.
  10. LESS DIAPER RASH – The chemicals in disposable diapers have been linked to diaper rash.
  11. REDUCED CHANCE OF ASTHMA – The results of a study published in 1999 demonstrated that some types of disposable diapers emit chemicals that are toxic to the respiratory tract and that disposable diapers should be considered as one of the factors that might cause or exacerbate asthmatic conditions.
  12. EARLIER POTTY TRAINING/LEARNING – Many parents report that children who wear cloth diapers potty train earlier than children who wear disposable diapers.
  13. CONVENIENCE – No trips to the store when you are out of disposables.
  14. FABRIC OPTIONS – You have a choice of many fabrics including organic cotton, hemp, bamboo terry and bamboo cotton.
  15. THEY HOLD THEIR VALUE – There is a market for used/pre-owned cloth diapers so you can resell them when you are done with them.

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